2024 5th International Conference on Intelligent Design (ICID 2024)
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Xi'an Design Union

In response to the opportunities presented by the Belt and Road Initiative, Xi'an is expediting its innovation-driven development to effectively pool design talents, bolster innovative design capabilities, cultivate the design industry, and establish the "Xi'an Design" brand. Additionally, in line with the national focus on innovation, Xi'an remains dedicated to integrating cultural creativity and design services with related industries, while vigorously promoting mass entrepreneurship and innovation. Consequently, the Xi'an Design Union (XDU) was collaboratively initiated by representative design enterprises, universities, research institutes, design studios, and designers in Xi'an. On August 11, 2015, the XDU was officially established.

XDU is a local and collaborative non-profit social organization, with the basic aim of serving the industry and cultivating talents. Its primary focus lies in enhancing industry communication and collaboration, facilitating the coordinated development of the design discipline chain, technology chain, and industry chain. Furthermore, XDU is dedicated to promoting the standardization of the design service system, fostering innovative development, and facilitating international exchanges in design services. Additionally, XDU remains committed to driving the deep integration of design talent and technical resources with enterprise industries, thereby establishing a foundation for industrial core competitiveness and influence, cultivating renowned design brands, and propelling overall economic and societal growth.

XDU comprises several key institutions, such as the General Assembly, the Council, the Executive Council, the Advisory Committee, the Expert Working Committee, and the Secretariat. Its scope encompasses six primary focus areas: mechanical and electrical design, industrial design, fashion design, architectural design, visual communication design, and spatial design. Additionally, XDU has established sub-unions dedicated to each of these six directions.

There is a current membership of 323 and a total of 77 initiating units in XDU, including universities and research institutes such as the AVIC the First Aircraft Institute, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an University of Technology, Xi'an Polytechnic University, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, etc.; corporate organizations include Xi'an Beilin District Creative Industry Development Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Bobo Architectural Design Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Huatuo Technology Co., Ltd., Xi'an Zhaotai Cultural Development Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Zhongxia Design and Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd., Xi'an Yiluotuo Information Technology Co., Ltd., etc.

At XDU, distinguished academicians such as Xie Youbai, Yao Mu, Tang Changhong, Liu Jiaping, and Jiang Zhuangde,  as well as Wang Runxiao, an expert in mechanical manufacturing and management from Xi'an University of Technology, and cultural expert Xiao Yunru are invited to serve as members of the Advisory Committee. Additionally, outstanding experts in the field are also invited to serve as members of the Expert Committee of XDU, including Huang Weidong, a Changjiang Scholar from Xi'an University of Technology, Yu Suihuai, Director of the China Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance Expert Committee, Chen Tianning, Director of the Industrial Design Department of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Liu Kecheng from the School of Architecture of Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Zhao Yuanchao, Chief Architect of the China Northwest Architectural Design and Research Institute, Sun Xijing, Chief Architect of the Shaanxi Architectural Design and Research Institute (Group), renowned architect Zhang Bo, distinguished spatial designer Yu Ping, Wu Hao, Assistant Dean of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, and Luo QinpIng, a renowned expert in advanced interior acoustic design from Guangdong.

Since its establishment, XDU has carried out comprehensive work in promoting the integration and innovative development of various industries in the design field. Firstly, it studies the development direction of the design industry, conducts investigations, collection, statistics, and research on basic data of the design industry, and puts forward suggestions for industrial development and industrial policies. Secondly, it advocates for the protection of design intellectual property rights and facilitates the establishment of industry standards for the design industry. Thirdly, it organizes international high-end forums and holds influential exchange activities such as the Silk Road International Innovation Design Week. Fourthly, it promotes mechanisms for transforming designer works into commodities through the utilization of internet-based technologies, effectively fostering the integration of the innovative design industry chain. Fifthly, it engages industry experts to provide technical and design analysis and assessments for major projects, thereby assisting relevant departments in making well-informed and scientifically grounded decisions. Sixthly, it places significant emphasis on personnel training, promoting joint training programs for design entrepreneurship talents and leaders through collaboration between schools and enterprises. Seventhly, it promotes the establishment of design creative parks, and promotes the transformation and upgrading of traditional regional industries, thereby achieving rapid and sustainable economic and social development.

XDU will serve as a driving force for the advancement of the Xi'an design industry, accelerating the transformation of achievements and acting as a catalyst for value development. Positioned at the new starting point of the Silk Road Economic Belt, it will export Xi'an design and Chinese design, propelling Xi'an design onto the global stage and crafting a new identity for Xi'an as an international metropolis.










主办1丝绸之路创新设计产业联盟 logo2.png


Innovation Design Alliance of Silk Road Economic Zone

Steered by the Innovation Design Alliance of China, the Innovation Design Alliance of Silk Road Economic Zone was founded on September 25, 2016 at the CAST Annual Conference in Xi'an, by over 130 academic societies, enterprises, research institutions, universities and colleges in the field of innovation design along the Silk Road, including the Xi’an Design Union, the Administrative Committee of Beilin University-Based Innovation Industrial District, the Shaanxi Mechanical Engineering Society, the Shaanxi Aviation Society, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Northwestern Polytechnical University, the First Aircraft Institute of AVIC, Henan Polytechnic University, Henan University of Science and Technology, the Administrative Committee of Xinjiang Karamay High-tech Zone, the Ningxia Mechanical Engineering Society, Beifang University of Nationalities, the Shanghai Society of Automotive Engineers, Shanghai International Industrial Design Center, the Shanghai Society of Aeronautics, the Nantong Industrial Design Society, the Harbin Industrial Design Association, the Administrative Committee of Hohhot Jinshan High-tech Zone of Inner Mongolia, the Union for International Design of Macao, the Low Carbon Design Society of Hong Kong and Genus International Patent & Trademark Office.

Based on the countries and regions along the Silk Road, the Innovation Design Alliance of Silk Road Economic Zone aims to promote and deepen the exchanges and cooperation in this region and between this region and the rest of the world, promote research cooperation, economic exchanges, talent training, cultural communication and policy research in the field of innovation design, promote the resources complementation among the countries along the Silk Road, and promote economic development and social progress.

The Innovation Design Alliance of Silk Road Economic Zone is committed to:

--carrying out project matchmaking and cooperation, establishing trans-regional, trans-industrial and trans-departmental innovation design industrial experimental zones, creating public service platforms for collaborative innovation;

--organizing experts or research teams for cooperation in innovation design technology consultation, project demonstration, standard establishment and professional training;

--promoting innovation design talent training, professional registration and education accreditation in this region;

--promoting the selection, competition, release, popularization and application of innovation design of products, systems, technologies, processes and service models;

--promoting design competitiveness evaluation and release in this region, establishing the innovation design index evaluation system;

--promoting the construction of big data platforms for innovation design in the countries and regions along the Silk Road;

--actively organizing conventions and exhibitions, information exchanges and e-commerce conducive to achieving the objectives of the Alliance;

--and comprehensively advancing design culture exchanges, cooperation, innovation, construction and application service.

The President of the Innovation Design Alliance of Silk Road Economic Zone is Lu Bingheng, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. The highest authority of the Alliance is the Member Congress, whose supreme decision-making body is the Council, and the secretariat of the council is located at Xi’an Innovation Design Center. The Alliance has a senior advisory panel comprising distinguished academicians and influential experts. The expert working committee is composed of the teams in the fields of: the Silk Road Good Design the Design Service, the Design Exposition, the Big Data, the Design Education, which serve as the support for the development of the Innovation Design Alliance of Silk Road Economic Zone.

The establishment of Innovation Design Alliance of Silk Road Economic Zone will drive the regions along the Silk Road to better employ their advantages in technology and talent resources, deepen regional innovation cooperation and exchanges, coordinate the domestic market with the international market, allocate market resources optimally, and promote the rapid development of the economy and society of the Silk Road.


丝绸之路创新设计产业联盟[Innovation Design Alliance of Silk Road Economic Zone]在中国创新设计产业战略联盟的指导下,由西安设计联合会、碑林环大学创新产业带管委会、陕西省机械工程学会、陕西省航空学会、西安交通大学、西北工业大学、中航工业第一飞机设计研究院、河南理工大学、河南科技大学、新疆克拉玛依高新区管委会、宁夏机械工程学会、北方民族大学、上海汽车工程学会、上海国际工业设计中心、上海航空学会、南通市工业设计学会、哈尔滨工业设计协会、内蒙古呼和浩特金山高新区管委会、澳门国际设计联合会、香港低碳设计协会、大陆通商专业事务所等130余家丝绸之路沿线的创新设计领域的学术团体、企业、科研机构、院校等单位共同发起,于2016年9月25日在第十八届中国科协年会上成立。





主办2西安市碑林环大学创新产业带管委会png格式 (1).png

The Management Committee of Xi'an Beilin University-based Innovation Industrial District



The Science and Technology Bureau in Beilin District, Xi’an
